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The Company endeavours to provide as much and as prompt information as is possible to its shareholders, taking into account
the legal and regulatory framework governing the release of material and price-sensitive information. The Company releases
all price-sensitive information through SGXNET.
At the annual general meeting, shareholders are encouraged to ask questions both about the resolutions being proposed and
about the Group’s operations in general. The Articles of Association of the Company permit a member of the Company to
appoint not more than two proxies to attend and vote instead of the member. As there is still a major concern on the security
of information transmitted over the Internet, the Board has decided that it is not appropriate, for the time being, to amend
its Articles of Association to allow for in absentia voting methods.
The Company ensures separate resolutions are proposed at general meetings on each distinct issue. The external auditors,
the chairpersons of the various Board Committees and where necessary, the legal advisers are present to assist the Directors
in addressing any relevant queries by shareholders.
The Group has issued internal guidelines on dealings in the securities of the Company to the Directors and employees of
the Company and its subsidiaries, advising them, among others, not to deal in the securities of the Company on short-term
considerations. On a quarterly basis, the Directors and employees are advised of the prohibitions in dealings in the securities
of the Company during the period commencing two weeks before the announcement of the Group’s quarterly financial
statements, and one month before the Group’s full year financial statements, and ending on the respective announcement
dates, and while they are in possession of material price-sensitive information which is generally not available.