For the Financial Year Ended 31 December 2014
Equity price risk
Changes in the market value of investment securities can affect the net income and financial position of the
Group. The Group diversifies its investments by business sector and by country. It manages the risk of unfavourable
changes by prudent review of the investments before investing and continuous monitoring of their performance
and risk profiles.
The investment securities are classified as held-for-trading or available-for-sale (AFS).
At the end of the reporting period, 76% (2013: nil) of the Group’s held-for-trading equity portfolio consist of shares
of companies in Singapore and 24% (2013: nil) in other countries. If the equity prices had been 5% higher/lower
with all other variables held constant, the Group’s profit after tax would have been $3,266,000 (2013: nil) higher/
lower, arising as a result of higher/lower fair value gains.
At the end of the reporting period, 99% (2013: 96%) of the Group’s AFS equity portfolio consists of shares of
companies in Singapore and 1% (2013: 4%) in Canada. If the Singapore and Canada equity prices had been 5%
higher/lower with all other variables held constant, the Group’s AFS reserve in equity would have been $10,038,000
(2013: $3,127,000) higher/lower, arising as a result of higher/lower fair value gains.
Commodity price risk
Commodity price risk is the risk of financial loss resulting from movements in the price of the Group’s commodity
inputs and outputs. The Group is exposed to commodity price risk on revenue for sales of tin as well as production
cost for fuel consumed in the operations.
The commodity price risk on revenue for sales of tin is managed through contractual arrangements with customers
and forward commodity contracts. At the reporting date, there was no such contract outstanding.
The commodity price risk on production cost for fuel is managed through forward commodity contracts. The
terms of the forward commodity contracts have been negotiated to match the terms of the commitments. There
were no highly probable transactions for which hedge accounting had previously been used, which are no longer
expected to occur. The cash flow hedges of certain contracts were assessed to be highly effective and a net
unrealised loss of $160,000 with a deferred tax credit of $38,000 relating to the hedging instruments is included
in other comprehensive income (Note 41(iii)).
The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to a reasonably possible change in the commodity price, with all
other variables held constant, of the Group’s profit or loss net of tax and equity at the reporting date:
(Decrease) in
profit net of tax
(Decrease) in
Fuel price
increased by 5%
decreased by 5%